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Monday, August 28, 2017

Taiwan Jun-Jul 2017

June 26
Taipei Botanical Garden
Malayan Night-Heron
nest, could still be in use as two adults are nearby.
They are seen on the ground most of the time outside of breeding season.
First year
 Taiwan Barbet
Taiwan's only barbet species and is endemic to the island
 Crested Goshawk
Rhyothemis variegata
 Neurothemis ramburii
 Didn't find a name for this

Jun 29
Barn Swallow
a nest of 6 is a bit crowded.
Many of the parents choose to nap in the shade during the hottest hours of the day.
Black-crowned Night-Heron
the nuptial coloration of the lore is blue. The legs can become much redder at this time of year.
White egg shell
dozing off
first year
Little Egret
Blue eggshell
nuptial plumes
the lore and toes turn red.
Cattle Egret

 the colony
House Swift
 attempting to mate in mid air
 Flock of House and Pacific Swifts
 Taiwan Blue-Magpie
 Common Myna
common invasive
 Black-collared Starling
a less common introduced species

Jun 30
Little Grebe
 Black Kite
As they scavenge and eat dead animals, their numbers have declined significantly over the past decade due to ingesting animals with pesticides in them. 
 Large-billed Crow
 Black-naped Monarch
Incubating on the nest. Unfortunately, this nest was no longer in use when I checked back a week later.

Jul 02
Formosan Whistling-Thrush
Started the day with an endemic
One of the problems I faced shooting Macro this summer is not all of the small things are small. They are all different sizes! And this makes bringing the proper lens, extension tubes and light a question not easily tackled. I decided to shoot mostly with Nikon 105mm VR and a 36mm extension tube and not worry about it too much.

Teleopsis quadriguttata (Walker, 1856)
quite an active little guy.

 Cosmoscarta uchidae
 some I didn't find names of.
Order Homoptera
Order Hymenoptera
  Order Lepidoptera
 Family Pentatomidae

 Leucauge sp.

Cyclosa ginnaga
Best match I could find although the web lacks the pattern I found in most pictures.

Jul 03
Psacothea hilaris
 Cosmodela batesi
sparkly endemic of Taiwan

Caltoris cahira austeni (Moore,1883)
Family Limacodidae

Order Lepidoptera
Family Pentatomidae
 Cyrtophora unicolor
Hasarius adansoni (Audouin, 1827)
 Aegista mackensii (Adams & Reeve, 1850)
Hylarana latouchii (Boulenger, 1899)
One of the most common amphibians in Taiwan.
 Liopeltis major
The most common snake.
 Alpinia zerumbet

Jul 16

Family Limacodidae
 Megisba Malaya sikkima (Moore,1884)
 Order Lepidoptera
 Order Odonata
 Euphaea formosa
 Hasarius adansoni (Audouin, 1827)