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Monday, August 22, 2016

Salmon Arm 2016

Jun 26-28, 2016
Every year, more than hundreds of pairs of Western Grebes gather in Shuswap Lake in Salmon Arm, BC. Many people stop by the town for a meal or a night as they travel across British Columbia through Highway 1.
Despite the traffic, the lake shore is generally quiet and comfortable other than when you are in the sun at noon. The grebes usually do not mind anyone that walk on the boating pier, so getting good looks is not difficult. But getting close to them when they are feeding the chicks is another story. I shot from the pier most of the time, as the grebes with chicks seem to mind my presence at their level. Here are the shots I managed to get at higher angle.
Western Grebe
 At the beginning of each breeding season, they molt their primary feathers and cannot fly until the feathers grow back. In late June, the wing molt is almost complete.
Western Grebe
 Some grebes still do the dance this late in the season, but it is probably too late for a nest.
Western Grebe

Western Grebe
 The single birds do not care if people look at them as much as the parents. This guy popped up in front of me when the grebe families were wary of me looking at them.
Western Grebe
 There was also a Pied-billed Grebe Family by the pier.
Pied-billed Grebe
 The Ospreys are busy catching fish and watching their nests as the did the first time I was here in 2014. Ospreys point the head of fish the direction they fly to waste as little energy carrying them as possible, taking advantage of fish's stream line body.

 Sometime in addition to sitting in the nest, it is also necessary to chase unwelcome visitors in this case a young Bald Eagle.
Osprey and Bald Eagle
All Red-eyed Vireos I heard on this trip were not easy to find, and I was quite happy to see this one.
Red-eyed Vireo
 Blue-winged Teal
Blue-winged Teal
Blue-winged Teal
 When the grebes are too far to photograph, there usually are other things to see.
some sort of fish.
I'm gonna call this Yellow-bellied Marmot, not that I've seen any that does not have a yellow belly.
Yellow-bellied Marmot
 Dragon Boat ''Dragonize''

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