May 17, 2015
Lonsdale Quay
Pigeon Guillemot
Lonsdale is one of the best place in Vancouver for observing these sea birds.
They fly, and possibly nest, under the concrete shipyard pier just east of the quay market.
Even during non-breeding season, they sometimes forage fewer than 10 meters from the quay deck.
Burnaby Lake
Ducks were already starting to molt, many male mallard were already loosing their green in May.
Cliff Swallow
Tree Swallow
Violet-green Swallow
Sandhill Crane
The pair at Burnaby Lake had a colt(chick) this June, but it died of unknown reasons.
Interestingly, some sites suggest that Sandhill Crane adults have yellow eyes, and one of these two in Burnaby doesn't.

Burnaby Lake
Yellow Warbler
Male has stripes on the chest
Female has cleat chest
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