I started birding at 72nd st, the Golden Eagle was on its favorite perch about 300 m from the foot of the Boundary Bay dyke in the golf course. It was harassed by a Bald Eagle, but did not yield its spot, which was also one of other raptors' favorite branch. The Golden apparently got its wings wet earlier so it was drying them the half an hour I was there, before it took off.
Golden Eagle
2 of the 3 field marks are distinct in this photo- dark yellow hair (this is how it got its name), and white band on its tail
Golden Eagle and Bald Eagle
Golden Eagle
the third field mark is the white patches under its wings
These were also in the golf course
At least 2 male Eurasian Wigeons in a large flock of American Wigeons
Green-winged Teal
the bigger one on right
On the dyke
I did not see any owl, but the smaller birds were pretty active.
Other fellow birders spotted Lincoln's Sparrow and American Tree Sparrow, unfortunately both were gone by the time I walked toward East from the foot of 72nd st.
American Robin
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Song Sparrow
At 112th st. and Hornby, did not get luck to see the reported Rusty Blackbird because the blackbird flocks decided to stay in private properties.
Here is the only blackbird picture I took
Brewer's Blackbird
this male was one of the only 3 blackbirds close enough to the road to identifly
At 3 in the afternoon, I arrived at Reifel, located some Cedar Waxwings and Pine Siskins, but did not see rarity in the bad lighting.
Pine Siskin
Just fore dusk, at 4 in the dark light under trees on this cloudy day, a friend spotted my first owl of the day, a sleeping Great-horned. Good eyes Mandy!
Great-horned Owl
Thanks for looking
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