Last weekend on a cloudy but no-rain day, I went birding at Ambleside Park and Klootchman Park in West Vancouver.
Spent the morning at Ambleside. The goldeneyes started their courtship display- head throw. This is always a good show to watch during spring, well not quite spring yet.
Common Goldeneye
male head throwing
Common Merganser
Hooded Merganser
After lunch, went trying my luck at Klootchman, located northwest of better known Lighthouse Park.
Did not get to see Surfbird or Rock Sandpiper,but did get some pretty good views of Marbled Murrelets
Marbled Murrelet
Brandt's Cormorant
the one facing the camera has white feathering near the beak
was with about 20 other cormorants(Pelagic and Double-crested).
and a few seals were enjoying a little bit of sunshine before dusk
view from Klootchman