Amboseli NP and Selenkay Conservancy
Being so close to the equator makes the time of sunrise and sunset very predictable, around 6 am, and 6pm. From now on until the end of the trip, the wake-up time is 5:45. We headed out for our first morning safari after breakfast and tea. It was an over-one-hour drive to Amboseli from the camp. The NP has several different areas, some parts swampy others are savannah, but the park lacks the thick bush habitat found at Selenkay. Everyday, hundreds of vehicles come into the park to see large elephant herds, and we joined the other tourists in search of elephants.
No off-road driving in national parks, everyone has to follow the tracks on the ground.
Martial Eagle
my second lifer of the day was also a big eagle
Black-winged Stilt
African Jacana
Long-toed Lapwing
Collared Pratincole
Black-headed Heron
Common Squacco Heron
Purple Heron
I am still not able to locate any purple on the heron after seeing them several times in south-east Asia and Kenya.
I am still not able to locate any purple on the heron after seeing them several times in south-east Asia and Kenya.
Great Egret
the familiar white bird is also found in Amboseli
the familiar white bird is also found in Amboseli
Saddle-billed Stork
the coloration of the bill really struck me.
the coloration of the bill really struck me.
Sacred Ibis
Egyptian Goose
Spur-winged Goose
Common Ostrich
a must see in Kenya, just looks so different from all other birds.
Malachite Kingfisher
stunning colours as kingfishers never disappoint.
Common Zebra
Sun bath+sand bathI put some Zebra photos here from Selenkay so you can notice the difference in vegetation in the background.
Mini tornado
young wildebeests have strait horns
lots of mini tornados in this part of the park
Are the eyes open?
Are the eyes open?
the main target everyone is after
the main target everyone is after
although only about a dozen of them, we are all happy to see the happy family.
Bohor Reedbuck
Thompson's Gazelle
this male has a beautiful maneAs cats cannot chew on bones, they use their rough tongues to scrape off meat on bones.
Spotted Hyena
Yellow Baboon
Tawny Eagle
started and ended the day with eagles.
July 26
Sunbird Lodge at Lake Elementaita
The lodge is close to Lake Nakuru where flamingos used to gather. For reasons that I do not know, flamingos no longer stay in Nakuru in recent years, so we had to go farther north to Lake Borgoria see them. We stayed at Sunbird Lodge for a night on the way to Borgoria. As the name suggests, several species of sunbirds can be found around the lodges, but I was only fortunate enough to photograph two of a few sunbirds that showed up during our stay.
Variable Sunbird
female sunbird, don't know which species.
Tawny-flanked Prinia
Some of the species that came to the feeder
Superb Starling
Purple Grenadier
Laughing Dove
Red-winged Starling
A walk around the lodges also yielded other species
Nyanza Swift
Rock Hyrax
Distant view of pelicans
Yellow-billed Stork, and Little Grebe